Sunday, June 28, 2009

What's Cooking??

Hi, guys...It's been quite some time since I last logged in...The thing about blogging really have to have the time and mood to keep updating your blog...(rightttt..??)...

This week we baked a cheese cake...and fried some shell pasta for dinner (well, tired of eating rice all the time...this sounds good)...

The process of baking a cheese cake is quite tedious...So, it's my husband's job to do it...we just help with whatever we could...

Fried shell pasta....

Preparing the base of the cheese cake with crackers crumb

The base of the cheese cake

Preparing the batter....

Almost done.....

The final process before baking....

The aroma is unbelievable...yummmmm.....

Want some...???

Tomorrow we are going to the movies....Transformer 2 at Jusco Tebrau City...Till then...adios...!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Let's walk down memory lane......

First, I want to thank my husband for his 'effort' in scanning all these pics:)))...

Ok, enough of the 'grandmother's story'...let's just enjoy the pics which were taken between 1994 - 1997 in Columbus OHIO....

Graduation 1997 - Ohio State University, Columbus, OH

On our way back to Malaysia - Disneyland, Los Angeles, California...1997

Our last spring in Ohio 1997

Apple Picking 1997

Picture taken at Factory Outlet, OH

First Snow in OHIO

More pics to come :)))...

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Nak dengar cerita takk..?

Eish..entahlah...rasa tak tenteram lately ni..mood dah go haywire! My brain cells are going crazy...

Macam-macam aku pikir..Aku kan jenis suka memikirkan benda tak sepatutnya....I just can't help it..Dah born with it kot....Aku tengok mak aku pun serupa...Well, dah anak's in my genes!

First of all, I want to say goodbye to my cousin Farah, the newly-wed (I posted her wedding pics in my previous post). She is going to Columbus OHIO next weekend to work ... I mean, Petronas Research is sending her to work on some research, I guess, for two years....Sian dia...baru kahwin dah kena pisah ngan husband...Sian Lukman. Yelah, Petronas bukan keje gomen yg boleh ambik cuti tanpa gaji bertahun-tahun nak ikut suami/isteri. This is the sacrifice they'll have to make lah kan...Tak pe, 2 tahun kejap je...

I am happy for her.....lagipun I stayed 3 years in Columbus from 1994 - 1997....The most wonderful experience in my life is during those 3 years....Seronok tau duduk negara orang. Columbus is a peaceful place. We lived around Ohio State University campus area...Less crime....nice place to raise a family. My husband and I did part time work. I worked at the Ohio State University Child Care Center for 2 years (I always think about those babies I cared for...they are all in their teens now:))...Then, I joined Fawcett Center (ni kira macam hotel kat UiTM)...Lagi best kerja sini. Pepagi buta aku bukak kiosk for buffet breakfast. Aku sorang je tau. Pakai tudung kemas-kemas, pakai kemeja putih lengan panjang (with black bow), seluar hitam and smiled....Dapat banyak tips dari hotel guest...Sayang aku tak ambik gambor...Yelah, sape nak ambik gambor aku? Anak2 aku, yg sulong and 2nd duduk rumah ngan abah dia. Bila aku abih keje pukul 10 pagi, balik rumah..then it's my husband turn to go to work/classes...Sempat lah kami gi Disneyworld, Orlando....Chicago and few other places around Ohio...Then bila balik Malaysia...singgah Los Angeles for 3 days....Merendek lagi...hehe...Hmm..ntah ada ke lagi chance nak gi US...

Satu lagi aku suka shopping kat sana...Ngan duit part time yg tak seberapa tu pun boleh beli barang branded yg ter amatttt le murah...Especially kat Factory Outlet...Ya Allah...boleh giler kalau korang pergi...Sume jenis jenama ada....Dia org mana ada ciplak macam kita...nak mampus kena saman??? Aku suka cara American ni berfikir...Kita org Malaysia ketinggalan berpuluhan tahun dari segala segi...Yelah, kat sana pun ada yang hampeh macam kita kat sini...Tapi mostly are very nice especially bila kita tinggal di kawasan kampus...People come from all over the world. Ohio State Univeristy is the biggest U in the USA (masa tu...skg pun masih kot). Cara dia org ni hormat wanita, orang tua2 dan kanak-kanak. Cara tatatertib di jalan raya...At least I can see all these positive awareness in Columbus....Rinduuu sangat.....Khaleeda pun born kat sana...tak de bezanya layanan masa kat hospital walaupun aku org Asia....Harap2 dapat le bawak anak2 aku pergi sana satu hari nanti...kalau ada rezeki...Insyaallah.....

So, bila my cousin akan stay there for 2 years...I am so happy for her...she'll be ok...walaupun tetap le rindu husband tercinta....We'll miss her too...Jangan lupa hantar gambar banyak2...Am sure dah banyak perubahan kat sana....eeeeeeeeeeee....nak pergi, nak pergi!!!

Saje nak cerita pasal pengalaman paling indah in my life. Dapat mengubatkan tensen dan serabut kat otak ni...Tambah pulak CPD kena pindah KL...Aku suka keje ngan my boss yg pendiam dan tak banyak kerenah tu...Kawan2 pun ok...Tapi aku tak leh lah duduk KL...Kalaulah company transfer aku ke Dept yg memeningkan, membosankan...satu hal le pulak..Aku pulak jenis family dulu....Kalau kena stay back sampai memalam...memang aku tak sanggup!!

Eeeeeeeee.....serabut seyyy...

Aku serahkan pada Allah SWT jelah..tu je yg aku boleh buat....In the meantime, baik aku pikir perkara/kisah yang indah-indah je...kalau tak...hmm..naik lagi darah aku yg memang dah naik ni...

Saturday, June 6, 2009

More Food...

Mushroom Soup with 'betik muda' (young papaya(?))

Please forgive the low quality picture...I blame myself for forgetting to turn on the oven light!

Menu on Saturday was:

Breakfast - Fried Rice

Lunch - Rice Porridge (with fried anchovies and fish)....Didn't feel like eating rice or anything 'heavy'...The porridge was a perfect choice!

Dinner - Roast Chicken and Mushroom Soup.(As pictured above).

I roasted a chicken in the oven for the first time. Marinated a medium-sized whole chicken for 4 hours and roasted it until golden brown...or was it dark brown??

Hey, nothing beats a home-cooked meal ...(You don't have to be a chef to prepare a great, simple meal for the family....:)

Monday, June 1, 2009

Old pics...hehe

Sebenarnya ada aku post gambar aku di ‘zaman jahiliah’ dulu..Aku bila tengok je gambar tu, sure tergelak besor…It was in the 80s. I was in my teens! Sabor jelah…dengan lengan baju kurung berlapis-lapis tu…Huyooo…zaman tu memang trend! Haha…Rambut ku ala-ala Zaiton Sameon lak aku tengok..wakakakaka! Tapi yg paling tak tahan – my eyeliner! Tapi I have taken out the pic from this post ...because ...rasa bersalah...sebab nampak aurat (guilty as charged!). So sesape yg sempat tengok...kira rezeki lah!!!

Zaman tu, me without the eyeliner (setebal mungkin) is like ice-cream cone without the ice-cream!!!LOL!

I remembered using double-layered eyeliner –first the pencil type from Revlon, then the liquid type also from Revlon…Dah rupe orang pakai spek je pulak…haha… Masa tu konon cun giler laa….Those days, I will never ever go out without my eye-liner (and my clothes, of course....LOL!)…

The picture was taken at my friend’s birthday party (in Keramat, Kuala Lumpur). I was 18 or 19 years old. Yang tak larat lagi tu, ada ka husband aku gi tampal gambar ni kat opis dia! My husband actually stick this particular photo on the wall by his office table…Daaahhh..sume orang tanya betul ke itu gambar aku? Of course, don’t compare me now with this pic…!

Then, these two photos of my husband when he was in the USA 1993 – 1997. He was around 26 years old. Perasan pulak dia bila tengok gambar ni “hensem jugak I ek..” E’eleh…sabo jelah…Aku kata terimalah hakikat nya sekarang dah tak macam tu…haha…(kalau ada yg terpikat pun ...hmm...ini gambor lama daaaaa....)!

Winter in Columbus, OHIO, USA

Fall Season...

Those were the days…I am posting this pics for old time sake…Dengan kekalutan hidup kat ofis dan di luar nun..sesekali teringat kisah zaman dulu, gak..I'll find more ..tungguuuu...