Monday, February 16, 2009

Raising My Teenage Kids....

It’s been quite sometime since I actually wrote something in my blog. Well, I think I can express myself better in Malay (duhh…I am 100% Malay)…And I think I sound “not so clever” when I write in English…(get it??)

Let see, yesterday I received a call from Mas (I don’t know her but her son is in the same class with mine). She said she got my home phone number from the list of names in his son’s handphone. She was wondering whether her son is at my house. I said “Tak tau lah akak kalau dia datang tadi, sebab akak pun baru balik kerja”. And she expressed her concern of her son’s behavior. Teenagers! What else can I say…I have 2 of them (and the other 2 future teenagers). I told her to pray a lot and always think positive (yeah, right…the wrong person giving the advice)!

The problem with my son is he rebels in silence. Whenever I nag, he’ll just keep quite and I thought the problem is solved. But nooooo…he’ll repeat his “unacceptable” actions again. Sometimes I wonder if he has problem with his brain cells or just testing my sanity. He is like living in his own world and the only time he is in “my” world is during meals!

I’m not saying that he’s a bad kid. He is my son, for crying out loud! But I just couldn’t understand teenagers nowadays. I was a teenager before, but I don’t remember being difficult to deal with…

Well, I guess I will just have to let him “find himself”.. you know, like they say, teenagers are caught between childhood and adulthood. They are trying to find their own identity, their own self (so to speak)…

In meantime, I’ll do my part as a mom….and I know, I am not alone.

(PS: My other teen (daughter) is another story all together...She is trying to "find herself" through eyeshadow, lipsticks, fashion, Hannah Montanah, Jonas Brothers and all that comes with it..)


KC said...

i like this entry.

I shudder to think of what's next for our children. The test today's parents face ahead of them in raising their children.

It was different during our time. Growing up in the 70s and 80s, no drugs, well adalah tapi tak seteruk sekarang, rempit, bojan, bohsia, x rated CDs by the roadside, internet cafes with owners who couldn't care less abt what those kids are doing inside there...(blardy hell!) and the list goes on and on.

One very important tool we parents can do is to terapkan nilai murni dan ilmu agama pd anak2. Then doa dan doa pada Allah SWT.

I'm like forever praying for our children, your children, my friends' children, my nephew, nieces...may Allah SWT keep them safe. Amin.


Kak Z said...

I just pray to Allah for strength to face His test esp if it concerns my children.

I know they will turn out okay, but in the meantime...I'll take it as a challenge..hehe

Familyof6 said...


Don't are not alone. I'm having the same problem with my eldest son. He always say that me & my husband are bias. That's not true. He said we sayang our daughter more just because we don't scold her. I pray that my daughter will remain as she is. I don't find its difficult to handle her but not my son...

Ya Allah...I think all parents are having problem with their kita bersabar aje la...
sometimes you don't know whether they are telling the truth or telling lies...nak control sangat pun tak boleh...tak control lagi susah...

Sometimes I takut if we, the parents are spoiling them by giving them all the "destroying items" i.e. playstation, computer games etc. etc..

To me the reason we provide all those things is to ensure that our children will "melekat" kat rumah than hanging out with don't know who...

My mother always tell my children that dia tak pernah ada problem raising 14 of us. Just imagine 14! Not 4...

Semoga Allah memberi petunjuk kepada kita dan juga kepada anak2 kita yang sedang membesar dan "confuse" ni. Amin.

Kak Z said...


Zaman dulu lain dari sekarang. Now ..pengaruh kat luar nun...kawan2 etc..kt dlm rumah pulak ada internet..which has no boundaries...Kita dok ajar dia benda elok-elok ...tapi pengaruh kawan2 ni yg paling aku takut...Like u said, is he telling the truth or not...

Tensen ...

Familyof6 said...

Yes...more than tensen dah ni...
I always tell my children...insyaallah panjang umur they will know how hard it is to raise children especially if their children are just like them!